Julian of Norwich
(c.1342-after 1416)

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On-line Resource Revelations of Divine Love (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
Book or monograph Valerie Marie Lagorio & Ritamary Bradley, The 14th Century English Mystics: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, No 190. New York & London, 1981. Hbk. ISBN: 0824095359. pp.1-5-26.

Primary Sources

Book or monograph Julian of Norwich: ShowingsJulian of Norwich, Showings, Edmund Colledge, translator. New York: Paulist Press, 1978. Pbk. ISBN: 0809120917. pp.369.
Book or monograph Julian of Norwich: Revelations of Divine LoveJulian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love, Elizabeth Spearing, translator. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1998. Pbk. ISBN: 0140446737. pp.240.

Secondary Sources

Book or monograph Abbott: Julian of NorwichChristopher Abbott, Julian of Norwich: Autobiography and Theology. D.S. Brewer, 1999. Hbk. ISBN: 0859915484. pp.224.
Article in Journal or Book Christine Allen, "Christ Our Mother in Julian of Norwich," Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 10.4 (1981): 421-428.
Article in Journal or Book Denise Nowakowski Baker, "Julian of Norwich and Anchorite Literature," Mystics Quarterly 19.4 (1993): 148-160.
Book or monograph Denise Nowakowski Baker, Julian of Norwich’s Showings: From Vision to Book. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994, Reprinted 1997.
Article in Journal or Book F.C. Bauerschmidt, "Julian of Norwich - Incorporated," Modern Theology 13.1 (1997): 75-100.
Article in Journal or Book Santha Bhattacharji, "Independence of Thought in Julian of Norwich," Word and Spirit 11 (1989): 79-92.
Article in Journal or Book Clare M. Bradford, "Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe," Theology Today 35.2 (1978): 153-158.
Article in Journal or Book Ritamary Bradley, "Patristic Background of the Motherhood Similitude in Julian of Norwich," Christian Scholar's Review B.2 (1978): 101-113.
Article in Journal or Book Ritamary Bradley, "Christ the Teacher in Julian's Showings: The Biblical and Patristic Traditions," Marion Glasscoes, ed. The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England: Papers Read at Darlington Hall, July, 1982. UNiversity of Exeter Press, 1982. Pbk. ISBN: 0859891836. pp.127-42.
Article in Journal or Book J.P.H. Clark, "Fiducia in Julian of Norwich," Downside Review 99(335) (1981): 97-108.
Article in Journal or Book J.P.H. Clark, "Fiducia in Julian of Norwich, II," Downside Review 336 (1981): 214-229.
Article in Journal or Book J.P.H. Clark, "Predestination in Christ according to Julian of Norwich," Downside Review 100(339) (1982): 79-91.
Article in Journal or Book J.P.H. Clark, "Nature, Grace and the Trinity in Julian of Norwich," Downside Review 100 (1982): 203-220.
Article in Journal or Book J.P.H. Clark, "Time and Eternity in Julian of Norwich," Downside Review 109(377): (1991): 259-276.
Article in Journal or Book Beth R. Crisp, "Seeking the Feminine: an Exploration of the Spiritual Writings of Hildegard of Bingen and Julian of Norwich," Pacifica 10.3 (1997): 310-318.
Article in Journal or Book David B. Foss, "From God as Mother to Priest as Mother: Julian of Norwich and the Movement for the Ordination of Women," Downside Review 104(356) (1986): 214-226.
Article in Journal or Book Catherine Garrett, "Weal and Woe: Suffering, Sociology, and the Emotions of Julian of Norwich," Pastoral Psychology 49.3 (2001): 187-203.
Article in Journal or Book Julia Gatta, "Julian of Norwich: Theodicy as Pastoral Art," Anglican Theological Review 63.2 (1981): 173-181.
Article in Journal or Book Marion Glasscoe, "Visions and Revisions: A Further Look at the Manuscripts of Julian of Norwich," Studies in Bibliography, 42, (1989): 103-20.
Book or monograph Jantzen: Julian of NorwichGrace Jantzen, Julian of Norwich, new edn. London: SPCK, 2000. Pbk. ISBN: 0281052611. pp.245.
Article in Journal or Book Galen Johnson, "Church and Conscience in William Langland and Julian of Norwich," Fides et Historia 32.2 (2000): 51-66.
Article in Journal or Book Hugh Kempster, "Julian of Norwich: The Westminster Text of A Revelation of Love," Mystics Quarterly 23.4 (1997): 177-245.
Article in Journal or Book Elisabeth K.J. Koenig, "Julian of Norwich, Mary Magdalene, and the Drama of Prayer," Horizons 20.1 (1993): 23-44.
Article in Journal or Book Judith Lang, "'The Godly Wylle' in Julian of Norwich," Downside Review 102(348) (1984): 163-173.
Book or monograph Kenneth Leech & Sr. Benedicta Ward, SLG, Julian Reconsidered. Oxford: Fairacres Publications, 1988. Pbk. ISBN: 0728301229. pp.35.
Article in Journal or Book Mona Logarbo, "Salvation Theology In Julian of Norwich: Sin, Forgiveness, and Redemption In the Revelations," Thought: A Review of Culture and Idea 61(242) (1986): 370-380.
Article in Journal or Book Helen H. McConnell, "From Shame to Joy: Julian of Norwich, Companion on the Journey to Spiritual Wellness," Studies in Formative Spirituality 14.3 (1993): 395-406.
Article in Journal or Book Liz Herbert McAvoy, "The Moders Service: Motherhood as Matrix in Julian of Norwich," Mystics Quarterly 24.4 (1998): 181-197.
Article in Journal or Book Joan M. Nuth, "Two Medieval Soteriologies: Anselm of Canterbury and Julian of Norwich," Theological Studies 53.4 (1992): 611-645.
Book or monograph Margaret Ann Palliser, OP. Christ, our Mother of Mercy: Divine Mercy and Compassion in the Theology of the Shewings of Julian of Norwich. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992. Hbk. ISBN: 3110135582. pp.262.
Book or monograph Brant Pelphrey, Love Was his Meaning: The Theology and Mysticism of Julian of Norwich. Salzburg Studies in English Literature, Elizabethan & Renaisance Studies, 92: 4. Salzburg: Institut fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universitat Salzburg, 1982. pp. xxII + 360.
Article in Journal or Book Brant Pelphrey, "Spirituality in Mission: Lessons From Julian of Norwich," Cross Currents 34.2 (1984): 171-190.
Book or monograph Brant Pelphrey, Christ Our Mother: Julian of Norwich. Way of the Christian Mystics, Vol. 7. Michael Glazier, 1989. Pbk. ISBN: 0894536230.
Article in Journal or Book Brad Peters, "Julian of Norwich and the Internalized Dialogue of Prayer," Mystics Quarterly 20.4 (1994): 122-130.
Article in Journal or Book Zina Petersen, "Every Manner of Thing Shall Be Well : Mirroring Serenity in the Shewings of Julian of Norwich," Mystics Quarterly 22.3 (1996): 91-101.
Article in Journal or Book Jay Ruud, "Nature and Grace in Julian of Norwich," Mystics Quarterly 19.2 (1993): 71-81.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Sebastian, "Truly God Is Our Mother: In the Showings of Julian of Norwich," Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 60.8 (1996): 518-533.
Book or monograph Simon Tugwell, OP. Ways of Imperfection. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0232516022. pp.187-207.
Book or monograph Sheila Upjohn, In Search of Julian of Norwich. London: Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd., 1989. Pbk. ISBN: 0232518408. pp.104.
Article in Journal or Book Nicholas Watson, "‘The Composition of Julian of Norwich’s Revelation of Love," Speculum 68, Issue 3 (July 1993): 637-683.
Article in Journal or Book Alan Webster, "Julian of Norwich," Expository Times 84.8 (1973): 228-230.

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