Saint Augustine of Canterbury with Illustrations, Maps, Tables and Appendices. The Birth of the English Church
Henry Hoyle Howorth [1842-1923]

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Book Description

Saint Augustine of Canterbury with Illustrations, Maps, Tables and Appendices. The Birth of the English Church
Publication Year:
John Murray
Augustine of Canterbury, Medieval Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Henry Hoyle Howorth [1842-1923], Saint Augustine of Canterbury with Illustrations, Maps, Tables and Appendices. The Birth of the English Church


  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • The Emperors, Popes and the Kings of the Franks and Visigoths, from 5495- to 664
  • Genealogy of the Descendents of Chlothaire II
  • The English Archbishops ad Bishops, and the Abbots of St. Augustines, from 597 to 664
  • The Episcopal Succession from Augustine to Damian
  • Genealogy of the Kings of Kent and Essex
  • Genealogy of the Kings of East Anglia
  • Genealogy of the Kings of Deira
  • Genealogy of the Kings of Bernicia
  • Addenda
  • Appendix I: The Bubonic Plague in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries
  • Appendix II: Pope Honorius and the Monothelites
  • Appendix III: The Popes and Their Nuncios at Constantinople

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