John Wycliffe and his English Precursors
Gotthard Lechler [1811-1888]

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Book Description

John Wycliffe and his English Precursors
Publication Year:
The Religious Tract Society
John Wycliffe, Robert Grossetete, Henry Bracton, William Occam, Richard of Armagh, Thomas Bradwardwine, Medieval Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Gotthard Lechler [1811-1888], John Wycliffe and his English Precursors


  1. English Precursors of Wycliffe
    1. Mixture and Consilidation of Races in the English People
    2. Robert Grosetête, Bishop on Lincoln
    3. Hnery Bracton and William Occam
    4. English Church Politics in the Fourteenth Century
    5. Richard of Armagh and the Mendicant Orders
    6. Thomas Bradwardine, his Teaching and Spirit
    7. 'The Vision of Piers Plowman'
    • Wycliffe's Early Life
    • Life in Oxford—1345-1366
    • Wycliffe's Public Life
    • Papal Action Against Wycliffe—1377-1378
    • Wycliffe as Preacher and Pulpit Reformer
    • Wycliffe as Bible Translator
    • Wycliffe as Thinker and Theologian
    • Wycliffe's Last Years
    • The Successors of Wycliffe
    • Wycliffe's Writings
  • Index

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