A History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome, new edition in six volumes
Mandell Creighton [1843-1901]

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Book Description

A History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome, new edition in six volumes
Publication Year:
New York & Bombay
Longmans, Green, and Co.
Papacy, Church Councils, John Wycliffe, Medieval Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Mandell Creighton [1843-1901], A History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome, new edition in six volumes.


Volume 1

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Book I. The Great Schism 1378-1414
    • 1. Urban VI., Clement VII., and the Affairs of Naples. 1378-1389
    • 2. Clement VII.; Boniface IX. Religiou Movements in Oxford and Paris. 1389-1394
    • 3. Boniface IX.; Benedict XIII. Attempts of France to Heal the Schism. 1394-1404
    • 4. Innocent VII.; Benedict XIII. Troubles in Italy and France. 1404-1406
    • 5. Gregory VII.; Benedict XIII. Negociations Between the Rival Popes. 1406-1409
    • 6. The Council of Pisa. 1409
    • 7. Alexander V. 1409-1410
    • 8. John XXIII. 1410-1414
  • Book II. The Council of Constance. 1414-1418
    • 1. The Council of Constance and John XXIII. 1414-1415
    • 2. Deposition of John XXIII. 1415
    • 3. Religious Movements in England and Bohemia.
  • Appendix

Volume 2

  • Book II—Continued
    • 4. John Hus in Bohemia. 1398-1414.
    • 5. The Council of Constance and the Bohemian Reformers. 1414-1416
    • 6. Sigismund's Journey, and the Council During His Absense
    • 7. The Council of Constance and the Election of Martin V. 1417
    • 8. Martin V. and the Reformation at Constance. 1417-1418
  • Book III
    • 1. Martin V. and Italian Affairs. 1419-1425
    • 2. Martin V. and the Papal Restoration. Beginnings of Eugenius IV. 1425-1432
    • 3. Bohemia and the Hussite Wars. 1418-1431
    • 4. First Attempt of Eugenius IV. to Dissolve the Council of Basel. 1431-1434
    • 5. The Council of Basel and the Hussites. 1432-1434
    • 6. Eugenius IV. and the Council of Basel. Negociation with the Greeks and the Bohemians. 1434-1436
    • 7. War Between the Pope and the Council. 1436-1438
    • Eugenius IV. in Florence. The Union of the Greek Church. 1434-1439
  • Appendix

Volume 3

  • Book III—continued. The Council of Basel. 1419-1444
    • 9. The German Declaration of Neutrality. Election of Felix V. 1438-1439
    • 10. Eugenius IV. and Felix V. 1440-1444
  • Book IV. The Papal Restoration 1444-1464
    • 1. Æneas Sylvius Piccolomini and the Restoration of the Obedience of Germany. 1444-1447
    • 2. Nicolas V. and the Affairs of Germany. 14447-1453
    • 3. Nicholas V. and the Fall of Constantinople. 1453-1455
    • 4. Nicholas V. and the Revival of Learning
    • 5. Calixtus III. 1455-1458
    • 6. Pius II. and the Congress of Mantua. 1458-1460
    • 7. Pius II. and the Affairs of Naples and Germany. 1460-1461
    • 8. Pius II.'s Relations to France and Bohemia. 1461-1464
    • 9. Crusade and Death of Pius II. 1464

Volume 4

  • Book V. The Italian Princes. 1464-1518
    • 1. Paul II. 1464-1471
    • Paul II. in His Relations to Literature and Art
    • 3. Sixtus IV. and the Republic of Florence. 1471-1480
    • 4. Italian Wars of Sixtus IV. 1481-1484
    • 5. Innocent VIII. 1484-1492
    • 6. Beginnings of Alexander Vi. 1492-1494
    • 7. Charles VIII. in Italy. 1494-1495
    • 8. Alexander VI. and Fra Girolamo Savonarola. 1495-1498
    • 9. Alexander VI. and the Papal States. 1495-1499
  • Appendix

Volume 5

  • Book V.—continued. The Italian Princes. 1464-1518
    • 10. Alexander VI. and Cesare Borgia. 1500-1502
    • 11. Death of Alexander VI. 1503
    • 12. The Fall of Cesare Borgia—Pius III.—Julius II. 1503-1504
    • 13. First Plans of Julius II. 1504-1506
    • 14. The League of Cambrai. 1506-1510
    • 15. The Wars of Julius II. 1510-1511
    • 16. The Holy League. 1511-1513
    • 17. Rome Under Julius II.
    • 18. Beginnings of Leo X. 1513-1515
    • 19. Francis I. in Italy. 1515-1516
    • 20. Close of the Lateran Council. 1517
  • Appendix

Volume 6

  • Book VI. The German Revolt. 1517-1527
    • 1. Humanism in German
    • 2. The Reuchlin Struggle
    • 3. The Rise of Luther
    • 4. The Imperial Election
    • 5. The Diet of Worms
    • 6. The Death of Leo X
    • 7. Adrian VI
    • 8. The Beginnings of Clement II
    • 9. The Sack of Rome
  • Appendix
  • Index

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