The Churches in Britain Before A.D. 1000, 2 Vols
Alfred Plummer [1841-1926]

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Book Description

The Churches in Britain Before A.D. 1000, 2 Vols.
Publication Year:
Robert Scott
England, Venerable Bede, Monasticism, Alfred the Great, Aidan, Dunstan, Celtic Church, Medieval Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], The Churches in Britain Before A.D. 1000, 2 Vols

Contents, Volume 1

  • Preface
  1. The British Church
  2. The Conquest of Britain by the English and the Conquest of the English by the Gospel
  3. The Keltic Church of Iona; St. Columba and St. Aidan
  4. The English Church; St. Wilfred amd the Venerable Bede
  5. Monasticism
  6. The English Dioceses
  • Chronological Table

Contents, Volume 2

  1. The English Missionaries
  2. The Penitential System and Penitentials
  3. The Revival Under Alfred
  4. The Revival Under Dunstan
  5. The Danes
  • Chronological Table
  • Index

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