Church and State in the Middle Ages. The Ford Lectures at Oxford in 1905
Arthur Lionel Smith [1850-1924]

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Book Description

Church and State in the Middle Ages. The Ford Lectures at Oxford in 1905
Publication Year:
Clarendon Press
Medieval Church History, Church and State
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Arthur Lionel Smith [1850-1924], Church and State in the Middle Ages. The Ford Lectures at Oxford in 1905


  1. Papal Influences in the English Church of the Earlier Thirteenth Century
  2. The Papacy and the Mediaeval Law of Marriage
  3. Church and State: Grosseteste and the Unity of Christendom
  4. Protest Against Papal Abuses, 1245-1254 Matthew Paris
  5. Aims of Papal Policy, 1250-4. The Duel of Papacy and Empire
  6. The Policy of Innocent IV in Sicily and in Germany. His Character and Ultimate Influence

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